Electrical, Electronics & Household items

Inks for Electrical, Electronics & Household Products

Target markets :Medical electrodes, diagnostic sensors, heaters, antennas, touch sensors, light sources, automotive seat, mobile phones, PCB, films, connectors, washing machine panels, Irons, audios and many others.

Printing inks for decorating electrical, electronic and household appliances must meet stringent demands. The decorations and markings, applied by pad, screen or UV screen printing must resist, high temperatures, chemical, thermal and mechanical resistances. We can provide various printing ink series ( 1K or 2K) including UV curable systems that ideally meet these requirements. The inks that we offer are complying with

RoHS (2002/95/EC, 2011/65/EU & 2015/863/EU), IEC 61249-2-21(7), JPCA ES-01-1999, IPC-4101B, EuPIA Exclusion Policy, REACH regulation (SR 817.023.21), Swiss Ordinance(SVHC),Canadian Hazardous Products Act (R.S., c.H-3, s.1.), USP Medical Class VI (exclusively for color shade black) , GADSL list.

These inks can be used to print on PET,PC, Silicone, TPU, ITO, Sputtered, paper, glass ceramics, metals, epoxy, ABS, PC etc.